The Japanese have perfected the art of onsen, or hot spring baths, for centuries. Traditionally, men and women would bathe together in the same facility, but these days the baths are segregated by gender. Today, konyoku (mixed-gender onsen) are hard to find, with places like Tokyo having bans on such establishments.
There are spray paints on the market that are designed for bathtubs, but they're still not great. Even the DIY tub refinishing kits you can find in hardware stores aren't strong enough to truly bond with the tub. You may like the look for a few days or even a few weeks, but soon you'll regret the decision.
Bathtub refinishing is worth the money if your tub is in good working condition. The reglazing process can remove surface imperfections, like scratches, shallow cracks, and stains. But if your tub is old, leaking, or full of mold, reglazing is just a waste of money. You'll have to buy a new tub soon anyway.
Many Japanese people take a bath more or less every day. In some parts of the world, people may refer to showering as [taking a bath," but not in Japan. In Japan, simply showering does not count.Colorful Bathtub
ColorlessClean Water Team<br><br>Colorless water is considered pure though it may be unsafe for human health. Generally, colored water imparts adverse effect on human health and aquatic environment. As pure water doesn't possess any kind of color, a waters color may provide evidence that there is some form of contamination.
Do not use or clean a reglazed bathtub until it is fully cured, which usually takes about 24 to 48 hours. After it is cured, it is safe to bathe in the reglazed tub.
Traditionally, visitors with tattoos aren't allowed in Japan's onsen (natural hot springs) because of an age-old association with organized crime. However, times are changing, and more and more onsen have relaxed their policies-in some cases to accommodate tattooed foreign tourists.
Bathtub refinishing is worth the money if your tub is in good working condition. The reglazing process can remove surface imperfections, like scratches, shallow cracks, and stains. But if your tub is old, leaking, or full of mold, reglazing is just a waste of money. You'll have to buy a new tub soon anyway.China Tray packaged independent bathtub
Japanese inn in hot water after bacteria in hot spring measures 3,700 times the limit. A century-old ryokan (traditional inn) in southwestern Japan has only been changing its hot-spring bathwater twice a year, leading to legionella bacteria levels as much as 3,700 times over standard limits, local officials said Friday ...
There's no specific age, as long as the children enjoy doing it together, that's fine. If they no longer want to bathe or shower together, they will tell you and stop.standard clawfoot bathtu